This piece was written and published by WestAfricanCareers.com. This is a site that attempts to publish information that positively promotes West Africans. The publish informative and inspiring content that resonates with professionals, entrepreneurs, etc of African heritage. The piece highlights the Rapid growth of the African fashion industry. It makes a point to emphasize some of the achievements the industry has made over the years. It informs readers about some achievements in the African Fashion industry has experienced both internationally and in the homeland. I feel this piece was beautifully written to capture some parts of the industry that light is never shed on. It listed African events that promote African fashion like the Nigerian fashion week and spoke about western brands targeting Africa’s emerging markets. We see this in cases of high fashion designers creating African inspired collections. Some of these designers include the likes of Jimmy Choo, Burberry and many other big names in the fashion industry. When it comes to the general topic of African fashion i do think that it has definitely come a long way in terms of being seen and appreciated over the years.